What to Say When Smudging a House with White Sage (Read NOW)
Have you heard about white sage smudging?
It’s known as an ancient practice that can banish negative energy from your being and surroundings. Many spiritual practitioners often use this method for healing and energy clearing works.
For those who need help to remove negativity as well as protect spaces, I highly recommend the smudging practice using white sage.
So, what is it exactly? Also what to say when smudging a house?
Keep reading to learn all this and more…
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3 Things to Know about White Sage

1. What are benefits of white sage?
White sage (also known as ‘salvia apiana’) is an evergreen shrub that can drive out evil spirits and heal one’s mind.
In the modern day, the hectic life often causes stress and anxiety which generate negative energy. For generations, white sage has been used in a variety of spiritual ceremonies for protections, purifying, and cleansing. Many practitioners claim that white sage is a kind of sacred herb.
Spiritually, everything in this universe has a spirit, not only humans.
The spirit of white sage has a connection with protection, clearing, and blessing. Performing any ritual with white sage can strengthen the healing power you cast on yourself or others.
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2. How to use white sage?
The easiest and most common way is burning the dried leaves.
The ritual in which you burn a bundle of dried sage is called sage smudging; that’s what I want to tell you in this article. Once it starts burning and the smoke spirals, hold and move the bundle to specific areas you want to clear or protect.
Wait for the smoke to waft and fill the space; that is a part of cleansing. Keep in mind that smudging a house won’t work efficiently if you just burn the white sage. During the process, it’s significant to express your gratitude and belief for the power of the plant’s spirit. In addition, you need to show your intention for your sage smudging purpose.
Why are you burning the white sage?
By focusing on your true desire, your energy will sync with the white sage’s so that the space you want to be purified will be effectively cleansed, blessed and protected.
The smoke’s role is to absorb all the negative energies and transform them into universal energy by the time it dissipates in the air. That means your intention for protection, clearing, and cleansing is completely fulfilled.
In case you want to do spells with sage, make sure to cast a circle first.
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3. Where to get white sage?
It’s not really hard to find.
These days, there are many shops offering white sage for rituals, such as crystal and metaphysical stores, markets, or many other places online.
Beginners, for the first time, seem to confuse between white sage bundle and loose leaf. So, which one is better? Actually both are fine! But, make sure you do research carefully before using as wild white sage is depleted and endangered.
For alternative choices, you can consider other herbs for cleansing like holy basil, mint, garden sage, black sage, juniper, rosemary, wormwood, pine, and cedar. If you find any plant that can remove negative energy in your garden, simply use it.
In case you have to choose between white sage bundle and loose leaf:
- The bundle works well with large space
- The loose leaf is for more precise cleansing
I usually purchase a bundle; then, when I need to smudge myself only, I will just pull out a single leaf and perform the ritual. Or, you can put multiple sage loose leafs in a bowl and burn them at once in case you want to cleanse large areas. At the end, you still get the full benefit.
Things to Say When Smudging Your Home
To do the smudging ritual for your home, the main event is of course walking around your house with a white sage stick and waving it to places you want to remove toxic energy.
Wonder if you can amplify the positive effects of the session?
The answer is yes, you can say some words to make sure your smudging ritual will work certainly. Not many realize this, but words hold a powerful strength. By repeating a mantra during the process, good vibes will be generated and fill the space. At the same time, the negativity will vanish with the sacred smoke.
Read more: What to say when smudging yourself?
Have a look at these two mantras below and later apply them to your smudging for the effective and positive outcome:
1. “I cleanse my home of any heaviness and negativity.“
You can use this mantra after having visitors. Personally, it’s good if you smudge your house every time inviting someone over. You may not think much about this, but they could bring unwanted energies to your private space.
Especially when you hold a party at home and many come. Even if you usually interact with positive people mostly, it’s possible for them to have bad days and negative thoughts hanging over their head.
Say this mantra out loud when moving around with the burning smudge stick.
2. “I release any anxiety from my home.“
You find yourself keep getting worried lately?
Relax your mind and say this mantra while performing the smudging session to bring back yourself and the wisdom of your heart. As you may know, we humans have a bad habit; that’s thinking overly.
When you can’t stop all the thoughts, your mind will then create problems that actually don’t exist. Even if there’s some matter really happening, it’s not as bad as you think they are. If you ask how to know what is best for you, the answer is to trust your heart and intuition.
So, what to say when smudging a house?
Before lighting the sage on fire and let it smoke, you should prepare the precise mantra and intention so that the results later can be more powerful. As soon as the sacred smoke spirals, call in your higher self and focus on your deepest desire that is cleansing the negativity away.
It’s indeed easy to perform. In fact, smudging your house is a great way to ease your mind, bring comfort to you, and help you sleep better.
Try it today and tell us your experience!
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