What are the 7 CHAKRA Stones (An Easy Guide for Beginners)
These days, healing crystals or chakra stones are quite popular.
People believe that those healing stones can help balance the inner energies and cleanse the aura. Their power can bring harmony and peace to one’s body, spirit, and mind. For thousands of years, our ancestors have used them for the spiritual and magical power source.
To date, though no evidence about gemstones is a form of medicine, many do claim this method is effective for mental and emotional healing. Even professional spellcasters and other advisors use crystals in their spiritual sessions because of the possible benefits.
So, what are the 7 chakra stones?
In this article, let’s gain a glimpse into the magical crystals.
Table of Contents
3 Things to Know about Chakra Stones

1. What is chakra?
‘Chakra’ is actually an old Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’. Known as a part of ancient Indian healing methods called Vedas, the chakra system is a meditation practice which has been around for hundreds of years. According to professionals, chakra embodies 7 chakra wheels surrounding your body (also considered as 7 different centers of energy). Each of them will be associated with a certain part on your body and an emotional state.
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Using magic crystals will help hold and transmit vibrational energy to your body as well as balance it. Once your emotional, spiritual and physical states are healed, you will find the peace of mind.
2. How many chakras stones?
Just mentioned above, there are total 7 primary chakras starting from the top of your head to the very end of the pelvis. To give you clear understanding about this, I come up with a brief description regarding 7 types of chakras and gemstones linked to each in the following:
Root chakra
Location: Low back-perineum or simply base of the spine and coccyx
Colors: red or deep red, black
This spot mainly deals with stability, safety, and staying grounded. If you are feeling anxious and not confident, a reading with root chakra will help you find your being’s foundation again.
The gemstones linked to this chakra are black tourmaline and shungite. Black tourmaline is an effective crystal for self-protection and converting negativity into positive energy. On the other hand, shungite is also a highly protective stone that keeps your physical body from radiation and assists you in being grounded.
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Sacral chakra
Location: Lower abdomen or above the public bone
Colors: bright orange or orange
Sacral chakra deals with creativity, passion, happiness, and sexuality. Whenever you want to find pleasure or an in-depth connection with others, reading this chakra and everything will be solved.
The gemstones associated with sacral chakra are carnelian and orange calcite. If carnelian has the power of easing all negative and unwanted thoughts, orange calcite is capable of strengthening the creative and sexual energies flowing in your body and making you feel healthier.
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Solar plexus chakra
Location: Upper abdomen or specifically 2-inches above the belly button
Colors: bright yellow or yellow
A reading with solar plexus chakra will be beneficial in boosting your confidence so that you can make your own solutions, be responsible of your actions, stand on your own feet, and move forward without any hesitation.
If you want to find healing crystals for this chakra, then two common options are citrine and tiger’s eye. The power of citrine can restore and charge your inner energy, while the tiger’s eye will bring passion to your confidence and give your extra power to walk towards on your own.
Heart chakra
Location: Above the heart and between breast bones (aka the center of the chest)
Colors: Bright green or green, and pink
As the name says it all, heart chakra helps solve matters related to love, compassion, and acceptance. Once your heart gets healed, you will again open up to true love, sincerity, kindness and empathy.
The crystals for heart chakra are noble green serpentine or rose quartz. In case of noble green serpentine, it’s a stone with soothing power that can give assurance to your restless and heart. Additionally, we have rose quartz representing an unconditional love and good for enhancing the flow of your energy.
Throat chakra
Location: The center of the throat
Colors: Royal blue or blue
Throat chakra locating in the place connected with one’s communication and self-expression. Due to where it belongs, this kind of chakra can help you raise your opinions, speak the truths, express yourself, and face your own fear.
For healing stones of throat chakra, they are lapis lazuli and angelite. The power of lapis lazuli will shed light into the deepest corner of a problem to make you see and speak the truth; meanwhile, angelite has the ability to reduce stress and ease tension.
Third eye chakra (brow chakra)
Location: On the forehead between the eyes
Colors: Purple or indigo
By healing your third eye chakra, your inner vision will also be healed allowing you to understand things on a deeper level and be more aware of the outer world. As soon as you can concentrate on big pictures, your awareness will be upgraded.
For third eye chakra, the compatible gemstones are sodalite and amethyst. Both can calm your mind excellently; sodalite helps reveal the truth and deliver clarity mentally, whereas amethyst is all about emotional clarity.
Crown chakra
Location: The top of the head
Colors: White, lavender (violet), or gold
This is the highest chakra of all, and it deals with your vision, emotion, spiritual connection, and receiving ability. Understanding your crown chakra will help you reach a certain level of your consciousness.
Gemstones for healing crown chakra are selenite, lepidolite, and clear quartz.
Firstly, selenite can clear away negativity and give you protection; next lepidolite has the power of drawing good fortune and abundance into your life, and clear quartz helps cleanse and raise your vibrational energy.
3. How to use 7 chakras stones?
If you want to cleanse your aura and bring balance to your chakra as well as energy, the simplest way is to make use of chakra stones. Choose your favorite gemstones from the list above, and you can utilize healing crystals in many ways on a daily basic.
Have a look at my examples:
- Do a meditation with stones
- Add them in your spiritual baths
- Wear the crystals as jewelry
- Keep a stone in your pocket and bring it with you everywhere
- Sleep with healing gemstones under your pillow
What are the 7 chakra stones?
I hope this article with our information can make you satisfy.
Many choose to ignore chakras without knowing their significance to both physical and mental states. But also don’t be anxious if discovering yourself lacking balance or clarity; in fact, that’s completely normal. In order to prevent it from happening every day, you need to check and heal yourself with magical gemstones.
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