10 Most Bad Luck Symbols: Why I so Unlucky? (Click NOW)
Feeling unlucky these days?
It’s necessary to know bad luck symbols so that you can avoid misfortunes coming to your life. If you wish to get through the day with the bad luck chasing you behind, this is the article for you.
Whether you are superstitious or not, have a look at this for reference and no need to take it seriously.
Table of Contents
10 Things NOT to Keep in Your House

To avoid bad luck, let’s start from your house. Not many know, but some items you’ve brought to your home have negative energies and attract misfortunes. You are suffering from a series of unlucky events? Perhaps you are keeping various unlucky items in the house.
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Here, please pay attention to these 10 things in the following:
1. A leaning ladder
Though the origin of this legend is still a dispute until now, many believe that walking under the ladder is a sign of bad luck. Rooted in Christian tradition, the act of walking into a triangle formed by the leaning ladder is considered as breaking the Holy Trinity. Some say that the triangle shape reminds medieval gallows; hence, it’s also not a good symbol.
More practically, it’s not safe to walk back and forth under an unattended ladder. The solution for this is to put your ladder away when you stop using it.
2. An open umbrella
Do you know that leaving an open umbrella inside the house is not a good sign?
Now look around and see if there’s any umbrella opening indoors. If yes, then you know the reason of your bad luck. According to Egyptian legends, when you use something to protect yourself from the rain, it means you are insulting the guardian spirit of your house for not protecting you well.
There are still many debates revolved around this symbol. So, to conclude the open umbrella is a bad luck or not, it depends on you. Despite that, it’s better to be more careful with putting the umbrella in the house.
Make sure you always close it right after returning from outside.
3. A broken clock
Keep an eye out for the antique clock at your house (if any).
Believe it or not, I’ve heard lots of things about this object. If your antique clock doesn’t work but then suddenly chimes, the true meaning is the death is close to you. It’s not good to keep things broken in the house.
In the Feng Shui field, this is considered as having clutter at home. You must clear it immediately to bring the purity to your house and your soul as well.
Let’s find out about the negative energy of one.
4. A vase with red and white flowers
I’m sure not many realize this but it’s a bad luck when displaying a bouquet with red and white flowers. Based on Victorian superstition, the image of red and white flowers together in a vase means there will be a death coming soon. To avoid this, remember to have your bouquets with just one color or different hues.
5. An unmade bed
When I was a child, I often heard my mom saying that leaving the bed unmade will cause a poor night’s sleep. To be honest, an unmade bed is not that great to look at, so be sure you always keep your bed tiny and clean after waking up.
6. A mirror
Mirrors are not a good luck symbol; in fact, some traditions claim that they have the hidden power that can steal your soul. While you may like to check yourself frequently, never look into the mirror at night or you may see evil spirits.
In addition, Feng Shui believes that your bed facing the mirror can cause a vast array of relationship problems.
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7. An old broom
For those who recently move into a new house, never think about bringing the old broom to your new space. That item was used to clean dirt, clutter, and other negative things in the old place, so it’s not a good symbol for good fortunes.
Legend believes that old brooms will sweep away all of your best luck. Guess what? Using the old cleaning tool will increase grime and pests; not to mention that it can attract toxic energy from your previous residence.
Therefore, don’t hesitate to buy a new broom as soon as entering a new place.
8. A rocking chair
It’s not a serious matter when you or your family uses the rocking chair. But based on Irish legends, empty rocking chairs can invite evil spirits to enter your house, especially during the night time. Just pray that it won’t be rocking on its own; otherwise, you will surely wide awake.
Your life will never be peaceful with the presence of evil spirits. If there’s any rocking chair at your home, you can consider put it away for your safety.
9. A photo of destruction
Is there any picture of destruction in your house?
Experts don’t recommend you to display many scenes of destruction around your home. Some claim that having a photograph or painting describing the aftermath of natural disasters or shipwreck will cause anxiety or distress to your surrounding.
10. A bird
Isn’t raising a bird in the house safe, is it?
If you find any bird flying in through an open window, it is definitely a bad luck. Most of the time, it’s the signal of the death of someone else in the family. In case you want to be extra careful, it’s better to not introduce them as pets.
Final Words
That’s all for bad luck symbols that are popular amongst people and can help ones solve their issues in life.
What do you think? Which symbol you’ve encountered before? How many symbols you’ve cleaned about? Hope that the superstitious ideas here can somehow provide you needed details to stay away from misfortune.
What other superstitions do you know of?
Please let us know in the comment!
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