A Spell To Make Someone Love You Deeply (Easy To Practice)
Look for a spell to make someone love you deeply?
Love is undoubtedly an important part of our lives.
Without love, we’re like flowers without sunshine and water. Talking about this aspect, I must say that one-sided love is one of the most painful experience that at lease some of us have experienced before.
If you’re having special feelings for someone but sadly they don’t feel the same way, then what should you do to pamper your weak heart?
Rather than taking any tension, just perform an obsession spell to make him crazy in love for you to deal with this difficult issue!
Prepare your pure devotion and get ready to fall in love again!
Table of Contents
5 Spells To Make Someone Go Crazy In Love For You

Here comes some powerful and incredible love spells guaranteeing to captivate the heart of your desired person in a short period.
What are you waiting for?
It’s time to witness the authentic influence of white magic!
#1: Free love spell to make someone love you deeply
For those who want your lover to be more aware of their feelings for you and crave to strengthen the love connection between you two, then try out this love spell as it sure is a great help.
Not only enhancing the love but the practice of making someone fall in love with you spell also removes all sources of negativity to your relationship. Cast it with true intentions and a free, relaxed mind for awesome results.
Materials: two candles (red and pink), toothpick, cinnamon oil, a box of matches, a pencil, and paper
- Wash over your body with a bath and wear clean clothes before performing the ritual
- Inscribe the name of you and your lover on the red candle and pink candle
- Light both candles and start visualizing you two fall deeply in love together while gazing at the burning flame
- Hold the concentration for 30 minutes
- Draw two hearts on the paper and fill each with both the names
- Drop wax on the heart and then cover it
This love spell must be done repeatedly for 7 days; on the last day, you need to bury the paper in the ground after all the candles burn down.
Try love spells with words only if you look for something much simpler and easier to do.
#2: Love spell to capture his heart that works fast
Want to win the man’s heart forever?
The key is this powerful obsession spell utilizing white magic! Keep in mind it won’t give you the instant result; instead, the effect requires a period to work perfectly. No need to rush when it comes to love and usually complicated spells take longer time than those simple and showing fast outcomes.
For the magic to radiate, you need to make a voodoo doll using wheat flour.
Materials: a doll, a picture of your loved one, their hair or used piece of cloth (red), pins, and mustard seeds
Doll-making steps:
- Prepare the dough to make the doll
- Rub the dough with your palm using some portion and start firstly with the head
- Move to the body by doing a cylindrical shape and continue with the arms and legs
- Remember to make the male genital if your doll represents a man
- Stick the picture and any belonging of your love interest on the doll
- Use pins to prick yourself and make sure all the tips have a bit of your blood
- Stick all the pins near the doll’s heart
- Put the mustard seeds in the red cloth and cover the doll with it
- Tie as many knots as possible and chant “Let it be the night of no moon, no one should be with me. Let your heart be mine forever and ever.”
- Place the doll somewhere near the 4 intersection road with the purpose of letting the love of your life see it and bring it home
- They will fall deeply in love with you once opening the knots
Find a quiet place to perform magic love spells, or you won’t gain good results if being disturbed during the session.
#3: Love spell to avoid someone stealing your love
Along with the spell to keep someone else from your love, this is another amazing love spell to clear all the potential intentions of stealing your boyfriend.
Very easy to cast and requiring no ingredients, the powerful love spell here needs only your voice to work. All you have to do is to chant loudly “You are not gonna steal my boyfriend, you’re not gonna snatch my boyfriend away from me, and that’s the final verdict.”
Repeat this recommended spell twice per month and soon you will get your guy to gall very hard head over heels for you. Once the magic is cast, he will belong to you and it’s impossible for anyone else to snatch him away.
If you’re beginners, get yourself a legit love spells book before planning to perform a ritual.
#4: Magic spell for soulmate deeply love you
Here comes another spell to get someone to love you deeply!
Can you make someone fall in love with you with a spell?
Let me introduce you an effective spell that can help you draw the best partner to your life. Before you perform the love spell for soulmate, make sure that you’re ready for the commitment in a relationship.
Materials: a real parchment paper, a special tool for ritual writing like the quill pen or calligraphy marker, a heart-shaped box, moon charcoal and moon incense
- Clean and meditate to refreshen your aura
- Use the pen to write down some powerful words for the aim of calling your perfect partner
- Remember NOT to think about a specific person or the result will be affected
- Keep your mind open and write the following chant “If there is a perfect match, this work tonight will for sure catch. The perfect one who is meant to be will find the way to me. In perfect trust and perfect love, I am sending this out and not with lust. This love spell is our guide tonight, free will remains with us tonight.”
- Continue doing the meditation and later light the ritual charcoal
- Read what you wrote three times and sprinkle a tablespoon of moon incense over the fire each time
- Fold the paper and put it in the prepared spell box
- Hide it in somewhere safe and wait patiently for the nature to fulfill your wish
For this love spell to work amazingly, you must have faith and maintain the positive vibe since the beginning.
Check out signs your soulmate is thinking of you
#5: Simple spell for someone to fall hard for you
Before planning to do the witchcraft with this free love spell, you must have a good preparation as it requires quite many ingredients.
Materials: a one-meter red silk cord, a picture of you, a photo of your love interest, dried petals of 6 red roses, a big glass jar, and your cologne.
- Remove all the rose petals and put them in the jar
- Chant “Listen to my words and listen to my heart, please let me in and never forget me” – feel free to express your true feelings if you don’t want to use established words
- Spray the perfume inside the jar
- Wrap the cord around your picture and your loved one’s – while doing this, remember to repeat the chanting
- Place the photo package in the jar, close the lid, and put it on your altar
- Leave it there for 7 days and open it on the 8th day to let the fragrance run through the air
In other to seal the session, you’re advised to either bury the jar or set it in the freshwater. If you perform this love spell ritual correctly, the person whom you’ve been longing for a long time will fall in love deeply with you immediately.
The best period to perform the simple spell to make him love you hardly and deeply is on the Friday of full moon, or you can go with any day corresponding to moon phases.
What Is The Goal Of A Love Spell?

For those who plan to cast a love spell, the first thing you need to keep in mind is to determine exactly your intention. Without knowing the true purpose, your spell will move in wrong direction.
In addition, by knowing what a particular spell is best used for, you won’t cause any mistake. Most importantly, never think love magic will help you successfully fall in love with your crush.
You’re not recommended to use spells to force someone to love you or manipulate their mind – this is against the ethics of witchcraft.
According to modern witches, the true purpose of casting a love spell is to assist one in preparing themselves, both mentally and physically, for love. Positive vibes will allow love to come to your life. Avoid filling your mind with negative thoughts to welcome all possibilities.
Have a strong belief in the spell and it will happen like the way you want.
Focus on your intent and love will show up in your life based on the spell you’ve chosen to cast. You may either get involved in a new relationship with a nice partner or win back a long lost love.
The majority of people tend to use love spells in order to make a specific person love them deeply. One should open themselves to all the chances related to love to gain the most from the spell casting session.
Trying to bind your desired person into a relationship utilizing spells is not a good idea.
As I already told you, each certain free love spell is designed to serve unique purposes; for instance, you cannot use a break up spell to attract another individual, or a reconciliation spell is not suitable for someone who looks for the departure from a toxic relationship.
Who Can Help You With Love Spells?

If this is your first time experiencing this magic realm, then don’t try to cast a spell on your own. Beginners all state that love spells are tricky and will not deliver efficient results if being done in a wrong way.
You don’t want to end up with unfortunate consequences, do you?
Please be careful when you plan to perform a spell casting ritual. Hence, it’s never a bad idea if you look for an expert’s assistance. They will come with genuine guidance and tutorials to help you get familiar with love spells and the witchcraft process.
Visiting a professional spellcaster when you first start exploring the witchery realm is a must. They will show you how to cast a spell, how to perform a ritual, and also offer some great tips about picking ingredients. Once understanding the basics of love magic, then you can go off on your own later.
In case you are tied up with a curse or dark spell, then quickly go to see the psychic for the removal.
By getting the support from them, casting a particular love spell is no longer problem as you will be taught to recognize what might go wrong during the session as well as figure out the solution.
Final Words
Try the spell to make someone love you deeply and you can enjoy your love life blissfully with the person of your dream. No more heart problems or issues, the white magic turns everything to be beautiful.
I highly suggest you doing the research carefully and find out the most appropriate love spell for your situation before planning to carry out a ritual. This will surely help you gain only the best and avoid the love magic playing backfire on you.
If you need any kind of help in cast these love spells above, don’t mind contacting professional spells casters online.
I didn’t understand the last part of the second spell. Does he has to open the knots? Or it could be anyone?
Thanks and blessings
Hi Rose,
Yes, he has to be the one opening the knots.
Ich habe diesen Zauber probiert
#5: Einfacher Zauberspruch für jemanden, der sich in dich verliebt
Meine Frage ist wie weiß ich ob der Zauber wirkt. Und wie lange muss das Glas geöffnet bleiben?
Liebe Grüße Niki
Hi Niki,
I will share what people can expect after casting a spell, based on my own experience, research, and outcomes (since i don’t know German, i will answer in English):
1. Changed Mood
The most common and first sign that any spell is working is a feeling of happiness and clarity right after casting the spell. This is usually the satisfaction and confidence of knowing that you cast the right spell at the right time, and that’s a good sign.
2. Signs From Universe
Be mindful and recognize the signs you receive from the universe. When a spell is working, the Universe will send all sorts of signs, but it’s up to you to find them. Some of these signs will come in the form of birds, weather changes, cloud formations or in the trees. Clear your mind and go for a hike, watch the moon and the stars, or simply stare out your window. The signs are always hiding in plain sight.
3. Receiving Messages in your Dreams
All dreams have a meaning. Knowing how to interpret them can be very enriching and can allow you to receive unconscious signals that will help you to know if a spell is working.
4. Coincidences
Coincidences are another very common sign that a spell is working. For example, after casting a candle spell, you receive a message or a call from a friend that hasn’t talked to you in a long time. This may seem like a coincidence, but it can be a side effect or a clear sign that your spellcasting was effective. I don’t believe that these coincidences happen just because. It’s important to pay attention to all these signs and messages, and take them seriously.
5. Real-Life Interactions
This is the best sign you may ever receive. The best signs of a spell working are the actual results starting to manifest. If you’ve cast a spell to get a job, and then received a call from a company that wants to interview you, congratulations! You are a becoming a powerful Witch! Keep up the hard work.
If you’re observing any or all of these signs, your spell might be working.
Thank you!
I need more clarity on #1. What do I do with the cinnamon and toothpicks? Also what do I cover the wax with and do I use 7 day candles? Thank you
Hi Donna,
The toothpicks are to carve the candles and then use the cinnamon oil to rub them.
Cover the wax with another piece of paper.