Purple Candle Meaning: How It Actually Means? (Check NOW)
Discover purple candle meaning in today’s article!
Magic using candles is one of my favorite types of magic. According to witchcraft practitioners, this is called sympathetic magic which does not require many complicated and lavish items. That’s why anyone can do the ritual just with a candle!
Everything around us is full of colors, and each color has a different meaning. Candles are not the exception – they not only are used to light but also bring us in-depth meanings about what we crave to know.
Join us in learning the meaning of the purple candle here!
Table of Contents
What Do Purple Candles Meaning?

By understanding the candle meanings better, your magic ritual will achieve a higher success rate.
The purple candle symbolizes the success in financial matters, psychic abilities, idealities, and spiritual strength. When lighting a candle of this color in a magic ritual, its power can help improve one’s psychic power and wisdom, deepen their spiritual awareness, and open their third eye.
See also: What is candle color for protection?
To use purple candles effectively, remember to light them on Thursday, which has a strong connection with Jupiter and Neptune.
For anyone in need of expanding the spiritual awareness, the best candle color to burn is purple. That’s because purple has long been associated with the mystic arts, and doing a magic ritual with it helps improve your ability to connect with the divine.
When Should You Burn a Purple Candle?
Are you ready for a spiritual awakening?
Then, it’s the right time to burn a purple candle.
As mentioned earlier, purple candles is a symbol of spirituality and finances. So, whenever you crave for your higher consciousness, divination abilities, manifestation, visualization, and connection with the spirit guides to be expanded, simply make use of the candle of this color.
In addition, the purple color also has the power to open your third eye, unleash your psychic powers, and awaken you to a deeper level of reality and being. Don’t miss the advantage of increasing your earthly rich and success.
I believe that not many of you know that lighting purple candles may assist you with transformation spiritually. Many often use this candle color when they want to level up their spiritual power and focus as well.
Purple candles in general:
- Enhancing calmness and tranquility
- Developing the connection with spirit guides
- Improving higher consciousness, manifestation, visualization, and divination
- Opening your third eye, meditation, and spiritual transformation
- Revealing spiritual secrets and mystical knowledge
- Expanding existing riches
Dark purple candles:
There are some differences between dark and light purples.
When it comes to indigo or dark purple candles, they are often used during scrying, divining, or clairvoyance rituals. Their power can help with ambition, success, and confronting fears.
People usually burn dark purple candles around them while meditating as they are good for opening the third eye or 6th chakra.
Light purple candles:
Meanwhile, light purple or violet candles have the power of enhancing your compassion, inner light, and connection with your higher spirits. According to experts, this color is associated with the crown chakra. In case you want to tap into the spirit realm, my suggestion is to light violet candles.
Read more: Candle magic flame meaning
Are Purple Candles Used for Magic Spell?
The answer is yes!
We can use a purple candle for magic candle spells, of course.
Many often take advantage of purple color in magic spell casting ritual after realizing its powerful meanings and benefits. A favorite purple candle spell is the one used to dispel insomnia.
If you want a promotion at your workplace, an ambition spell is a popular purple spell which is often cast in career. For the best result, it’s a must to perform your purple candle spells on the day representing the color purple – Thursday.
Each zodiac signs have a palette of colors. You need to tap into the color that suits most with your zodiac sign. Purples come up with various shades and are compatible with different zodiac signs include Sagittarius, Leo, Pisces, and Aquarius.
3 Tips to Know When Using a Purple Candle…
Firstly, here are some correspondences to purple candles:
- Astrology sign: Sagittarius
- Numerology: 7 and 8
- Planets: Jupiter and Neptune
- Gods: Jupiter and Neptune
- Days: Thursdays
- Chakras: Third Eye and Crown
- Angel: Zadkiel (the Angel of Mercy)
Now, check out a few tips before using purple candles for your upcoming rituals:
1. If you intent to attract or increase the energy for your ceremony, you’re advised to prepare and light up the candle during the night of the new moon, or just after that phase. In case all you want is just to remove negative energy, then start your purple candle magic session on the night of the full moon, or the following day only.
2. Not only purple candles, but this also applies to all candle colors. Never leave your candle burning unattended. There are many cases like that and the result is that their houses were burnt down before their desire gets fulfilled.
3. Don’t underestimate candle magic as they are very powerful. Be prepared for this practice as the universe will remove things no longer in alignment with your goal or intention from your life.
For example, that could be understood as breakups or other unexpected events.
Final Thoughts
Overall purple candle meaning includes:
- Psychic abilities
- Magic development
- Spiritual connection
- Insights
Purple is known for its benefits and advantages in the magical world. This color is associated with witchcraft, psychic abilities, and adventures from the other side of the world. Light up a purple candle when you are in need of wisdom and guidance, or when you feel uncertain about making a decision.
If you are trying to strengthen your spiritual connection to the universe, the best way is to burn a purple candle during meditation as well.
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