What Does a New Moon Look Like (Basic Guide for Beginners)
Moon phases play an important role in the practice of spell casting.
Each moon phase can affect differently to magical spells. According to modern witches, the moon holds the feminine energy believed to enhance and amplify your power when casting spells.
There are 4 primary stages of the moon in witchcraft, and you need to choose the right timing if wanting to perform a spell for the magic to manifest at its finest. In today’s video, I’m going to inform you about the new moon phase specifically.
So, what does a new moon look like?
Read this handy guide and you will understand magickal lunar realm better as well as know how to harness the energy of this moon stage effectively.
Table of Contents
A Glimpse at the Phase of New Moon

Wonder what a new moon looks like?
Like how it’s called, the new moon means a fresh start. No matter what’ve occurred or where you’ve been, it’s a sign that you get to begin all over again. This phase happens when the moon is located between the earth and the sun. Due to that, the sky appears black and you can barely see the so-called new moon.
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Since its bright side is covered from our planet, some call it ‘the dark moon’. The new moon is fully dark and will become full moon after completing its revolution around the earth.
As the moon is out of sight for this phase, many find that it’s an ideal time to perform dark magic or connect to their shadow selves which they tend to bury deep from the inner. By tuning in your energy to the new moon, you can gain insights into your dark side and figure out how to heal them positively.
Like it is said earlier, new moons represent new beginnings.
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When the new moon comes, tell yourself it’s a wonderful time to refresh and set your new goals and intentions. For those looking for the right phase to cast a love spell, the best option is the new moon because it encourages beginnings. If you wish for a better future, please let go of the past.
Cast the magic ritual during the new moon to eliminate bad energy and attract good things to your life.
New Moon Magic: Things to Know
1. What is new moon magic?
Firstly, you need to know that there are 8 lunar phases which usually get grouped into 4 major stages, as mentioned above. Apart from new moon, other phases are waning moon, waxing moon, and full moon.
On the spiritual side, the new moon has the connection with new beginnings and rebirth; thus, this timing is perfect to nurture and protect your true self. With a touch of magic, your spell will help plant your hope underground…soon you feel it growing within the deepest part of your heart.
What you would like to see, new moon spells will bring it to your life.
Before casting a manifestation spell, it’s significant to set an intention for the cycle that includes some basic steps:
- Cleanse your sacred space
- Have a ritual bath
- Meditate while sitting in from of your altar
- Renew your commitment to all the resolutions in the past.
In case you’re new to the lunar magic, keep reading for more details in the following.
2. What to do in the new moon?
Here are a few things you need to notice or try during the new moon:
- Take your leisure time to calm your mind
- Set up your altar
- Light up one white candle for peace, self-protection, and energy restoration
- Prepare a spiritual ritual to cleanse yourself
- Relax and show your gratitude
After that, it’s time to make a list in your journal. Think of your intentions and make sure to keep it pure as well as specific. Keep all the details you’d like the universe to know so that the desire of your heart can be fulfilled.
3. Easy new moon spells
Good luck spell to remove negativity
Ingredients: a glass of water, a picture of yourself, an onion, a white candle, and coarse salt
Why casting this spell:
Using the power of new moon, this powerful spell enables to ward off negative energies. We all know both salt and white candle are also popular ingredients when it come to spiritual protection. Plus, onion is also combined to bring the healing effect.
For individuals who have been in a bad luck lately or simply want to avoid conflict and harmful influences coming to your life, try performing this spell. Don’t forget to bring a photo with you for boosting your luck.
Peace of mind spell with candles
Ingredients: a box of matches, 9 white candles, and healing music
Why casting this spell:
Are you having a tough time right now? Are you feeling uncertain when it comes to making decisions? If you seek a way to bring yourself peace of mind, take at least 5 minutes to try out this spell. It’s crafted to provide inner peace and harmony. Always keep in mind that you are a being with free will, power and potentiality.
The light of the new moon will lead you to peace and love. By performing a simple ritual for peace, you’ll be able to find back your calmness. No ingredients required, all you need is just the magic from candles.
In Conclusion
What does a new moon look like?
I believe you already have the answer for this question. If you yearn for a new beginning, check out rituals or spells done during the new moon. Indicating the refreshment, the power of new moon will help you find solutions for the problems you are coping with and make a new start.
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