Candle Magic Colors and Meanings Explained (Learn More!!!)
Candles can do more than decorative purposes.
In the practice of witchcraft, candles are usually used as the sacred tool to connect to God as well as other Higher Forces. With the element of fire, the candle is believed to bring light and clear away the darkness.
Due to its ancient symbol, candles have become one of essential materials in rituals, love magic spell casting sessions, and more ceremonies.
Believe it or not, candle magic colors carry display different sources of energy and effects in every ritual. Not all colors have the same meaning, so you need to select the right candle color for some certain spells.
Continue reading for more info!
Table of Contents
Basic Facts of Magic Candles

Each color holds a particular vibration and influences a particular facet of your life; that’s why you need to know exactly what you want to attract as well as what changes you want to make in the future before casting a spell with candles.
Choose the color corresponding to your desire!
Let’s have a look at some basic facts of candle magic colors and then we will dig deeper into the meaning behind.
1. The candle color
Once you light up a candle, its color and vibration will be awakened, released, and built up. While the flame is burning, the color’s power is also scattered everywhere around you and leave its effects. Blowing the candle means you break the magic or stop the spell casting process; thus, it’s advisable to leave the candle burn out itself.
2. When burning a candle…
You’re suggested to start a ritual with candle during the waxing moon if you wish for a fresh beginning or new achievements. In case you want to remove or get rid of anything negative, then the ideal time to burn a candle is when the moon is waning.
3. In order to enhance the candle’s magic…
The key is to carve some letters, symbols, or runes in your candle. Depending on your intention, those words have to clearly describe the desire of your inner self regarding love, success, wealth, or health. In some cases, you have to engrave both your name and the name of the person you want to cast a spell on to perform the ritual.
4. The candle shape
Don’t need to pay much attention to the shape of the candle; instead, finding the right color to your circumstance accordingly is more significant. In fact, whether it’s long, short, round or square, all can be used to perform a spell casting session.
Most importantly, you shouldn’t leave a candle burning unattended.
Individual Candle Colors & Meanings

White candle
Symbolize the Goddess, Higher Self, purity, enlightenment, peace, and virginity.
If you plan to do a ceremony of purification or a ritual for self-protection, then white candles are the primary option. According to modern witches, the white color is associated with purity and sacredness. The moment you light up the white candle, it will help you get rid of weakness and boost up your energy. Your mind will be healed and you will soon find your life force back again.
The white candle can also be used in situations where you want the truth to be unfolded.
Practitioners tend to burn white candles with candles of different colors because white does a good job at enlarging other candles’ power.
Red candle
Symbolize fire element, love, passion, lust, courage, driving force, strength, and sexuality.
We usually say that red is the color of love, and that’s true. But aside from love, passion, and sexual desire, it is also a symbol of power, courage, protection, and energy. Use red candles in your ceremony if you want to seek life force, courage and positive vibes in the daily life. Of course, this candle color must show up whenever you cast love spells, also.
Considered as the color of blood, red indicates both life and death. Not only bringing love, passion, and fertility into your relationship, but the red candle can also eliminate your hatred, anger, rage, and violence.
Black candle
Symbolize protection, negativity elimination, binding, and fear relief.
About the black candle meaning, it is the most powerful protective candle of all candle colors. Utilize it in your ritual whenever you seek a glimpse of light in your current situation. The power of black color will remove and eliminate any sign evil and negative.
In the modern witchcraft, black candles are used to prevent bad habits, cure diseases, strengthen your toughness, and restore what you may have lost. For centuries, rituals with a black candle are very common in cleansing negative energy. If you are under a curse, this candle can help you break away from that and even return it to the originator.
Interestingly, you can make use of black candles as a decorative item to keep your surrounding safe.
Blue candle
Symbolize water element, calmness, wisdom, healing, peace, meditation, health, peace, and spiritual inspiration.
For individuals wondering in which situation a blue candle must be used, keep in mind that blue is the color connecting to mental health, meditation, healing, or protection. A magic ritual with blue candles is also related to clarifying a situation sometimes. Whenever you want to protect yourself and find inspiration, search for peace, security and harmony, as well as improve your sleep, then bring the blue candle into your ritual.
With the element of water, the power of blue helps one awaken spiritual consciousness and remember their divine dreams.
In addition, light up a blue candle in case you wish to heal a relationship or to have a peaceful day. It can maintain your colleagueship at the healthy state; moreover, a ritual bath with blue candles around will fade away a sense of emptiness deep inside you.
Green candle
Symbolize earth element, physical healing, fortune, prosperity, growth, life goals, abundance, and success.
When it comes to the green color, people see it as the symbol of money, luck, wealth, abundance, fertility, growth, and happiness. Occasionally, witches or spellcasters burn green candles if they want to attract money and opportunities. If you are curious about your financial status in the future, a spell with the green candle is the most suitable.
When performing a spell to find a new job, all you need to do is lighting up a green candle and making a prayer to the universe. In general, green candles in a ritual can tell the growth and fertility in any aspect of your life.
Yellow candle
Symbolize air element, the Sun, intelligence, confidence, memory, intellectual understanding, learning, and mental obstacles removal.
The yellow color is often present in the rituals or ceremonies praying for success in study as well as about travel and communication. If you look for a candle that its power can give a boost to your knowledge, self-esteem, and learning skills, then simply light up yellow candles during your session. For anyone struggling in communicating with other people in the family or workplace, then you should consider using candles with yellow color.
Symbolizing the Sun, the power of yellow color radiating in a ritual can bring joy, harmony, happiness, and fulfillment to your desire. If you’re stressed out with all the homework, then burning a yellow candle can give you a soothing moment.
Pink candle
Symbolize affection, romance, self-love, caring, emotions, and nurturing.
Not only red, but the pink color also has the relation to love and romance – that explains why many use pink candles in love rituals. The pink power will help you realize the beauty and harmony in a relationship or marriage. Besides, this is the color of happiness and relaxation, so lighting a pink candle can strengthen your love for yourself.
When casting love spells, the use of pink candles helps enhance your relationship, increase much affection and harmony between you and your lover, and tighten up the two of you on the emotional level.
In order to attract a new love interest, you’re advised to burn two pink candles every day. If you want to enhance your partner’s passion for you, then simply light up one pink candle at night.
Orange candle
Symbolize general success, justice, attraction, joy, energy, and jealousy elimination.
In basic meanings, orange is the color of joy and creativity; now bring this color to the magic realm, orange candles indicate personal success, attraction, energy, and pleasure of life. In addition, the orange color is also a great choice to break free from jealousy and fear.
When should we light up an orange candle?
Burn it with the purpose of finding lost objects, of finding your confidence and comfort zone, and of healing and balancing your subconscious mind.
Purple candle
Symbolize the third eye, spirituality, magic, hidden ability, knowledge, and healing.
Among all candle magic colors, purple is the most magical color because it has a deep connection with spirituality, power, intuition, meditation, psychic ability, and healing. Usually, in a ritual, a professional spellcaster will light up purple candles to assist you in awakening your spiritual abilities as well as recognizing your magical powers.
Availing a purple candle for your spell will enhance the magic power you’re performing.
Witches often utilize purple and blue candles at the same time because both symbolize healing; together, they will double the effectiveness of your healing sessions. Furthermore, doing the meditation with purple candles around to get in touch with your guardian angels or spirit guides.
Gold candle
Symbolize the God, winning possibility, happiness, and masculine power.
Gold is always seen as the royal color and associated with the God. Many practitioners believe lighting up the candle with gold color can help one draw the power of cosmic influences. Thus, if you are praying for wealth, success, victory, confidence and improvement in communication, then bring gold candles to your altar.
Furthermore, since the gold candle represents the masculine energy, you may want to use it whenever invoking or asking assistance from male deities.
Brown candle
Symbolize security, safety, friendship, favors, and stability.
Which circumstance you should burn a brown candle?
Bring this candle into your ritual in case you want to build or create a solid foundation for your present or future as well. Brown is the color of grounding, security, stability, and even pet healing. Therefore, if you’re feeling like losing the balance in life, take a spiritual bath and light a brown candle.
The power of brown color will help you clear your mind, realize the next steps to act, and take life more seriously. This magic candle can also solve issues happening to your friendships.
Silver candle
Symbolize the Goddess, telepathy, clairvoyance, dreams, intuition, feminine energy, and astral energy.
The silver (or grey) color is a neutral color, so it’s usually used to neutralize and draw negativity away. The power of silver can protect you from obstacles, stabilize the energy deep inside as well as surrounding you, and maintain your inner peace and serenity.
While gold is the symbol of the God, silver is the symbol of the Goddess and often availed in ritual invoking feminine power or female deities.
Final Words
In general, choosing your candles for spell casting rituals is significant.
Not only colors, but you have to consider other factors. For example, you should use the chime candle for one simple spell session due to its small size. In case you want to perform long ceremonies which may last 2-3 days, then consider taper or votive candles. For those looking for candles burning the longest, check out pillar candles or jar candles – these two kinds are commonly used in the practice of folk magick.
Whether your spell candle is formal or not, it will work immediately at the moment you burn the candle. You can take advantage of the candle power in different areas, from love to protection.
Hope this article helps you realize the importance of candle magic colors and candles in the witchcraft realm.
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Cleared a lot of confusion. Thank you
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