Top 7 Signs Your Soulmate is Thinking of You (Find out NOW)
Our souls do have connections.
Our souls travel from lifetime to lifetime and body to body. Due to that, lots of beautiful relationships as well as broken hearts were left behind. In this case, you and the so-called soulmate are strongly connected because the two of you have loved each other in the past.
What you might think as coincidence could be messages from your soulmate. It seems weird and mysterious, but it’s normal to encounter your soulmate in the present.
How to know that you’re experiencing soulmate connections?
Check out 7 signs your soulmate is thinking of you in this article!
Table of Contents
When Your Soulmate is Thinking about You…

We all have been through many lifetimes, so don’t be surprised if you have more than one soulmate. Then how do you know you’ve found the soulmate? Well, it’s hard to tell but the familiarity will draw you two together. When falling in love with your soulmate, you can’t help but thinking about them all the time and feeling complete.
How about your soulmate? Is it possible to know that you’re in their mind?
See also: Signs of negative energy in a person
Here are a couple of signs indicating your soulmate is thinking of you helping you understand them and connect with their thoughts better:
1. You get goosebumps all of sudden
Let’s start with the most certain sign for someone thinking about you!
You do nothing but suddenly sense strange feelings giving you goosebumps. According to experts, this is the reflection of powerful emotions hovering around the person strongly connected with you.
2. You feel happy
There are plenty of things in your daily life that can bring you happiness; then, how to be sure your soulmate is the reason?
If you wake up and feel like today is such a good day, and you can’t help smiling the whole day, it could be a sign your soulmate is thinking about you. Overall you find yourself happy without any particular reason. That feeling just happens and blooms inside in a mysterious way.
Many believe that you’re absorbing the positive energy sent from your soulmate connection.
3. You have a vision of the soulmate in your dreams
Never doubt or ignore your subconscious because it can reveal lots of things about you that even yourself don’t know at all. This powerful force shows your deepest desires and most intimate thoughts through dreams. What you see reflects what you truly crave for; therefore, if someone whom you’ve never met before popping up in your dreams consistently, it means their thoughts are transmitted to yours.
It’s a sign letting you know your soulmate is on the way to meet you. In case you’ve seen that person, then it shows you always think of them.
4. Your eye twitches
I believe we all have experienced this.
Actually I find it odd but also interesting. Back then when my eye has twitched for the first time, my grandma said that it was probably because someone was talking something about me. In this case, having a sudden twitch in the eye is associated with your soulmate.
For men, they may speak negatively about you if your left eye twitches, whereas the right eye twitching means positive; in the meantime, it’s vice versa for women.
5. You can hear their voice
Don’t be scared…it’s not what you’re thinking!
Sometimes you find yourself busy with lots of thoughts in mind and unable to catch up with the reality. Then, out of nowhere, you hear the voice of someone, like your significant other.
I’ve been told that the voice of the soulmate can make you feel calm as well as ease your anxiety. That’s why we can only hear that when having stressful, nervous, or overwhelming feelings deep inside at times. If you’ve experienced this sign, then you can be confident about the shared connection of you two because it’s so strong.
6. You sneeze a lot suddenly
Similar to the eye twitching case, many Asians believe that someone is speaking about you if you sneeze more than usual. Sounds fun, right? If your nose feels itchy, one of chances is associated to your soulmate. They are probably thinking of you and that connection transmitted can end up with you sneezing many times.
- If you sneeze once, it means your name is mentioned in others’ conversation.
- If you sneeze twice, your lover or partner is missing you.
- If you sneeze three or more times in a row, then your soulmate is thinking of you.
How many times did you just sneeze?
7. You get the hiccups constantly
Another interesting sign your soulmate is thinking about you aside from eye twitching and sneezing is: hiccup.
This often occurs if you eat too fast or drink too much alcohol. Nevertheless, what if you get them with no particular reason? For example, you’re reading a book and suddenly the hiccups happen. Well, random hiccups are believed as a sign someone is thinking about your image in their mind.
Final Words
That’s all about signs your soulmate is thinking of you!
Now every little thing becomes clear and makes sense. The universe will never send you something having no connection to you. So, don’t ignore anything because it could be signs and messages of your potential soulmates.
If you are thinking about whether or not your soulmate has shown up in your life and curious if they do feel the same way as you do, today’s article can give you the answer, especially in case you’ve just encountered someone special.
For those who have not yet met your soulmate but you can’t help thinking about this matter, like who your soulmate is exactly or where they are not at the moment, you can also check this out to figure out if it’s possible for them to long for you even when you two are still strangers.
Leave your comments below if having any question.
What does it mean if I sneeze like 10 In a row
Hi Cindy,
Probably consult a doctor.
You could be allergic to dust.
Can a soulmate be years younger than you like a guy can it be a soul connection of there only but maybe half your age? And if so when you both fall and neither makes that initial move and they just leave for no reason and block you, how can you get them back especially if they start seeing someone else due to possible thinking they can’t have you. How to get them back and fast?