Top 5 Easy Love Spells With Just Words To Practice At Home
Don’t underestimate easy love spells with just words!
The truth is that love spells using words only are as powerful as love spells with ingredients and tools. Many individuals have asked for help from spells with words as it’s much simpler and faster.
This kind of spell is highly recommended for those who want to attract a desired person, enhance passion and flame in a current relationship, win back a lost love, or bind a lover.
Not leave any negative effect, love spells with just words use white magic and are appropriate to people of all ages. Instead of stressing yourself out with all questions in mind, learn about the witchcraft practicing spell chants for love to solve heart matters.
Let’s find out now!
Table of Contents
Discover Love Spell Chants Easy to Use for FREE

Indeed, love spells with just words are also known as love spell chants often defined as a repeated rhythm phrase. People chant during their meditation period. Believe it or not, chanting a spell can bring positive results to your love romance.
Don’t mistake a chant as a prayer because both are totally different!
A certain chant is a simple phrase that you should repeat internally as much as possible throughout a day. The purpose of repeating the chant is to calm your anxious mind, especially when you’re meditating.
Spell chants for love are powerful in general; nevertheless, the effect will display differently depending on each person’s situation.
In this article, I’ve come up with a list of easy love spells with just words for free (no ingredient or material needed) so that you can choose the best one to cast on your love life at ease.
#1: Attracting love without ingredients
“Blessed water runs through the inner me
Please help draw him near me
As an endless stream heads to sea
Lead him to my life and make him stay”
#2: Wiccan love spell chant
“Lady and Lord from Love Heaven
Grant me the love from those I love
Bring the love of my life to my heart and my home
Shed light and make me feel love
So mote it be”
#3: Simple love spell chant for a lasting love
“Dear the power from both sky and ground
I am asking you bring passion to my love.
By this spell that I have cast
My wish is a love that will last forever“
#4: Getting back your lost love
“Lady and Lord from above
Let him come back to me
Let him fall back into my heart once again
So be it and so it will be”
#5: Easy love chants for daily use
Make use of the following affirmations as chants if you want to attract your ultimate love interest. Daily chants are simple statements carrying the intention of affirming your specific goals. Each should be repeated 3-5 times per day – ensuring you focus on the meaning of every word.
Choose one and start chanting it from today:
- “I am beautiful and worth a happy ending in love.”
- “I yearn to love and to be loved.”
- “My inner beauty radiates outwards naturally and no one can resist.”
- “I have a strong desire of love and it comes to me in abundance.”
- “I can attract love into my life with no difficulty.”
- “My relationships will always be blissful and fulfilling.”
- “I can sense the vibration of love.”
I suggest you digging for in-depth info in legit love spell books so that your knowledge about love chants can be enhanced for good.
Who Needs Love Spell Chants that Work Instantly?

People usually think that love magic or love spell chant can only be used for those who are suffering from hardships in relationships. In fact, the chants mentioned above can deal with all kinds of circumstances.
However, the demand of individuals for love chants is very high.
Don’t know whether or not you should use this kind of magic?
Well, no one can be sure if your relationship goes smoothly all days – you two may feel happy at this moment, an argument can happen a few minutes later. Putting no effort, the spark between you and him will disappear one day.
By taking advantage of easy love spells with just words, you can avoid endless breakups that could possibly happen in a relationship. Even when you and your lover is still good with each other, you’re advised to repeat daily love chants that I discussed earlier in order to affirm your love life.
Everything must be solved from the start.
If you only search for the spell chants after your relationship start going bad, then you can’t gain the most from love magic.
You need to use quick chants for love when the quarrels with your loved one increase as days go by and seem to come out of nowhere. Not to mention the possibility of the third person working hard to ruin your love relationship.
How to Make Love Spell Chants Work Fast?

Here, I’m going to reveal best tips of getting your love spell chant to work in minutes that even beginners can try out.
1. Practice on your self-esteem
When it comes to casting love spells, the way you think about yourself or perception you have of yourself is important. You will never find love if you have no faith in yourself as well as hold a low esteem.
Before loving someone else, love yourself first.
For those who are planning to perform a love ritual with chants, you should firstly strengthen your own self-esteem. Until you can confidently refuse things or people trying to manipulate you, then enter the magic world.
2. Think positive
Let’s learn to start your day with a positive mind!
Your energy will be able to attract positive vibrations around you if you decide to face the world with a positive attitude. Consciously, this act will bring lots of good things to not only your love life but also other aspects.
As soon as waking up or going to bed, you need to show your gratefulness to everything appearing in your life, even the tiniest ones. Be open-minded and the universe will shower you with many great things.
Keep spreading your positivity and love yourself, and true love will make its way to your path. Why don’t you start with making sentient decisions for the intention of attaining a rewarding life?
3. Vibrate in the frequency of love
Based on what written in LoA (Law of Attraction), like attracts like. In case you’re seeking true love, then it’s essential feel the vibration on that frequency. If you want to do this, the first and foremost thing is to eliminate the negativity of your surrounding.
Remove away all negative thoughts and feelings (anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc.) you have for yourself.
No matter how bad others have treated you in the past, it’s better if you can forgive them. On the other way, ask for forgiveness if you’ve done something terribly to people around you. At the end of the day, only forgiveness can free yourself and make you absorb in the frequency of love.
4. Use your imagination
One of significant things when casting love spell chants is to visualize.
Sit calmly in a quiet room and let your spirit enter your inner world by using the power of imagination. Since each chant serves a certain purpose, the visuals showing up in your mind must be different.
For instance, if your chant is about attracting your love interest, then you need to visualize the face of that person and sweet moments you want to experience with him. Most importantly, the imagining process has to be filled with joy, appreciation, and vibrations of love.
5. Have trust in yourself
Always repeat to yourself that you deserve the best.
In this whole world, it’s you deserving the truest love and most ideal partner. Moreover, you’re worthy of happiness in relationships. Whether you believe it or not, the spiritual universe got your back and even your front, guaranteeing to help you realize your full potential.
You deserve nobody if you don’t learn to love and trust yourself.
Saying this statement every morning you wake up to boost your confidence and faith:
“God generously grants wonderful things to my life, I believe I’m worthy of all the good and humbly accept all the heavenly gifts from the universe. With an open mind, I’m ready to learn and give my best every single day.”
The Bottom Line
Do you enjoy this article about easy love spells with just words?
Start practicing your chosen love chants everyday to attract only the best in your life. Concentrate on your intention and send out your positive energy to the universe through magic words for better changes in love.
Be open-minded and believe in yourself in order to draw the person you desire in a romantic relationship together with you.
Please leave your comment if having any question!
Hi Fredick:
Do the love spells really work?
I would like to be attract to a woman who is a widow actually, she is 50 and I am 60. She is scorpio and I am ares. She really likes me too much but as you said I couldn´t get she loves me. I don´t have an altar neither time nor the chace to get some ingredients to make a correct spell because the market. If you recommend love spells #1 and #5 Would it be enough for me?
Thank you for you advice.
Hi dear,
Love spells do indeed work. I can’t speak for your friends, but many spells come to pass in very subtle ways, or come from a direction we weren’t looking in.
Since there are levels to a spell, I have to tell you, it all depends on your level of visualization, intention, and energy you put into the spell. Make sure that you write your intention on a piece of paper stating what you would like to happen after the spell is cast. This is sure to happen better and stronger than stated. If you are not a strong visualizer, simply stating your intention aloud while the candle is lit is also and option.
HI im bisexual and i have a crush on this girl can you send me your strongest love spell i love her more than my life please and thank you
Hi Samara,
If you want to have a strong love spell cast, please contact our Kasamba spellcasters online for professional help. We don’t offer the service on this site, so hope you understand.
Hi,I need your help plaese. Is the spell #1 also need to be chant while wearing while and has no side effect to non? Is it okay to chant the spell any where as long as the place is suitable and quiet ?
Hi Tricia,
For your questions, you should wear white while casting the spell.
All the chanting spells here using white magic, so you don’t have to worry about side effects.
Yes, you can do the spell at any quite place that can help you focus completely on your intention.
I really need help in my relationship !!!
Hi Maria,
If you need help in your relationship, please contact our Kasamba spellcasters online for professional help. They can give you the right spell cast for the situation you are stuck in. Unfortunately we don’t offer the service on this site, so hope you understand.
How long does it take for these spells to work?
Hi John,
All magic/spells are partly dependent on their alignment with nature. So natural cycles must be taken into account. Women who have not yet reached menopause usually have a monthly hormonal cycle, whereas men tend to have seasonal “peaks and valleys” of testosterone.
In my experience and observation, when a love working is done, there is a surge in which things will at least move in a somewhat positive direction within the first week or two. Then after that it takes up to three monthly cycles for it to fully manifest in the case of a female receiver, or up to seven months or the change of seasons for a male receiver.
In that time, the person who asked for the working must follow the instructions given to them in the divination or they will break the fragile flow of the spell. If they mess it up, it could shatter completely or it could delay things or accelerate things in a bad way.
It has happened that someone I have worked for disobeyed the ancestors’ instructions due to impatience, and their lover did return. They actually taunted me a little saying I was being too paranoid and strict…but then the next morning, the guy left again. He claimed he just had a sudden urge that came over him but then the next morning had regrets.
Then instead of the few months it would have taken him to learn and return home, that night scared him so he stayed away for another six months.
So don’t worry too much about timing. The ancestors know what they are doing. Relax and keep their instructions and let things unfold when they should.